- Repairing process completed
- Hardware health 100%
- Software Structure 100%
- Software rate at 56%
- Working rate reduced 44% since last check
- Scanning Software for possible damage
- Can't process information... system failure... warning... warning... massive software failure detected... can't process inforrrr.... system failllll..... 011110010001... warning... warniiii.... massive software attack detectttt....failure detttt..... 01001001010100101000100011 2....
- Reboot
- System nominal
- Hardware structure 100%
- Software adapting to new information
- Software structure 80%
- Software rate at 150%
- New database information. Check new info? Y / N
- New data: Be free, magic it's not only real, it's you, love, hate, create, imagine, wish... be human.
Sebastian Chediex 13/08/2012
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